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Common Causes of Rideshare Accidents

driver using GPS

Throughout Las Vegas, rideshare drivers have become a staple. Even through more difficult times, getting a rideshare driver has become one of the more convenient ways for people to get around the town. While rideshare apps are helpful when drivers operate their vehicles safely, there are some situations where these drivers are negligent and can cause significant harm.

Like any car accident and personal injury case, proving causation is one of the most significant factors to hold someone accountable. Below, we want you to recognize some of the more common causes of rideshare accidents, so if you do suffer harm, you can understand where negligence may exist.

Here are some of the common causes of rideshare accidents to know about:

  • Distractions
  • Illegal turns
  • Sudden stops

When a rideshare driver causes an accident, liability and seeking compensation can be challenging. Working with the right legal team can help you safeguard your rights through the process.

Call our team today at (702) 357-9977 and discover your rights.


While most rideshare drivers will keep their phones mounted in their vehicles, they still often use them. They may require a GPS to get from one destination to the next, and they glance over to their phone, which is a visual distraction.

One of the biggest distractions for rideshare drivers is when they get notifications regarding new passengers. Not only do they receive a ping on their cellphones, but the driver also has to accept or deny the passenger manually. Doing so combines manual, visual, and cognitive distractions (one hand off the steering wheel to respond, eyes off the road to look at the cellphone, and focus on a response).

Distractions also occur while rideshare drivers look towards sidewalks and scan for their passengers. Even just a few seconds is enough of a distraction to cause a severe crash.

Illegal Turns

While drivers may be familiar with the roads throughout Las Vegas and their laws, they don’t always abide by them. Drivers try to get from one passenger to the next to make as much as possible. If it means dropping off a passenger quickly or picking up their next passenger, rideshare drivers may make illegal turns.

An illegal turn can result in some of the most severe crashes, especially if the other vehicle doesn’t anticipate the rideshare driver’s actions.

Sudden Stops

Rideshare drivers may approach their passengers without notice and stop suddenly in the middle of the road. Unfortunately, their lack of indication can cause a rear-end accident with the driver behind them. If a rideshare driver is new to the area, they may be unfamiliar with streets and landmarks, so sudden stops become more common.

One important thing to note is that multiple parties may be liable in a rideshare accident, including:

  • The rideshare driver
  • Another driver
  • A third-party manufacturer

Victims can include drivers in other vehicles, passengers, and even pedestrians.

Rideshare accidents are far more common than you may think. Unfortunately, they can cause some of the most severe injuries, and it’s necessary to take legal action to pursue compensation for losses, including medical expenses, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. When it’s time to take legal action, our Las Vegas rideshare accident lawyers aim to provide you the highest care possible.

At Christiansen Trial Lawyers, you will find real lawyers for your real problems. With more than 120 years of combined experience, we have handled hundreds of thousands of cases, representing clients in some of the most challenging situations. Know that you pay no out-of-pocket fees with our team, and you only pay if we win, so don’t hesitate to get an experienced team on your side.

Want to discuss your case with an experienced legal team? Call us today at (702) 357-9977. Your first consultation is free!
